Because of you, this petition has been signed by more than 75,000 people. Will you take a moment to post it to your Facebook and Twitter pages, and email it to your friends, family and groups? Our goal is to hit 100,000 by the time Facebook testifies to Congressional intelligence committees on Capitol Hill on Wednesday next week.
And, see the attached op-ed. It argues Facebook users deserve to know exactly how they were exposed to Russian propaganda. While regulating speech on Facebook is fraught and policing bad actors on a platform of more than 2 billion users will never be perfect, the company can prove its commitment to transparency by creating a mechanism to inform users that interacted with propaganda.
One way to think about how to enshrine such a requirement is to look to “Right to Know” laws developed to inform citizens of exposure to otherwise hidden phenomena such as chemicals, pathogens and various forms of pollution.
Together, we can make a difference. If Facebook won’t voluntarily inform users exposed to propaganda, we can advocate for similar laws to apply to propaganda spread by adversarial foreign governments on social media.
Thank you!
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